Understanding the concept, the significance mascot branding comes to limelight. And we
went deeper into the emotional, physiological, and spiritual core of the age-old and
time-tested group of institutions, RGI.
Here, the challenge was to have a mascot that can be relatable to the age, functioning,
strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, and milestones of RGI.
When we talk about a lion, we know the lion takes a different direction and is courageous
enough to defend for his life and territory. RGI has also followed the same approach and
strategy while navigating the course of its journey with all the soft and hard waves.
The group was never hesitant to innovate, to have a risk tolerance, and to tread towards
a completely different direction.
We are also aware that a lion is a social animal and loves to take everyone together. RGI
also stands as an epitome of togetherness across demographics, similar to a vast sea
with many rivers and streams feeding it with energy, dynamism, values, and wisdom. In
return, being fed with pride, honor, and reputation it has gained over the years.
When we talk about age, strength, leadership, and courage RGI has portrayed through its
rich legacy, what can be a better option than a ‘Lion Mascot’ showcasing the attributes
of maturity, courage, determination, strength, and leadership. It’s like following the
preaching of Osho, “Come out of the masses. Stand like a lion and live your life
according to your own light”. So, comes the Lion with the name Kimba!