Happiness Club

Happiness Club

“The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.”- Henry Word Beehcer

And, if you believe in the same, the Happiness club is just for you. It amalgamates the members who believe that small things around are a major source of happiness. The activities of the club are so designed to attain more and more happiness for self and people around. After all, Happiness is a state of mind. At the Happiness club we believe that this can well be achieved by making it an objective of your life, and not a by-product.

Kindness Club

Kindness Club

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s clouds”- Maya Angelou

If this is something which your personality reciprocates or you aspire to reflect, the Kindness club is just for you. Feeding and sheltering the homeless is the purest act of kindness, be it the humans, the animals or the birds. With the Kindness club, you too can join in the path of the honest act of humanity, bring the difference and feel the difference. Be kind, Be happy.

Trekking Club / Adventure Club

Trekking Club / Adventure Club

“Life is better in hiking boots”- Anonymous

If you have always wanted to be a part of this quote or this life, our Trekking/Adventure club is just the right place for you. Trekking is one arduous long journey. It brings you closer to the unexplored, mingles your senses with the nature and rejuvenates you. And, even if you are one of those in search of the adrenaline rush the small treks which we organize to have a lot to find joy in.

Reading Club

Reading Club

“To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting”- Edmund Burke

Each and every individual has a different taste in reading. So, when the readers come together under one roof the discussions are phenomenal. If this excites you, our Reading club has plenty of opportunities to pursue the same. In here, we discuss a plethora of books from around the world, be it the Harry Potter or the Wings of fire. Read. Discuss. Ingest. Repeat.

Food Club

Food Club

“The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating.”- John Walters

Does this quote transfer you to dreaming about your favorite recipe or the best food joint? Well, our Food club is for all you Foodies out there. It ensures you get to know about other foodies and their delicious recipes. You are also made aware of new places with lip-smacking dishes as well. If you as a foodie love cooking do join the club, however, if you don't you must definitely join it.

Music Club

Music Club

“The point of good music is to affect the soul”- Claudio Monteverdi

Music has different forms. But, if you are a music lover every form has the capacity to touch you right there in your heart. It is associated with a mental well being and it aids in thinking eloquently. This is exactly the objective of our music club. With it, we bring the entire music lover together and provided them that amazing platform to nurture their passions and liking for music.

Raisoni Education

Fine Art And Craft Club

“Art enables us to find ourselves & lose ourselves at the same time”- Anonymous

If you are an artist you can definitely vouch with the quote. Indeed, that was exactly the real rationale behind forming our Fine Art And Craft Club. At the club we have people sharing the same interest and passion. You can be passionate about any form of art; the club welcomes you and encourages the creativity. Design. Create. Enjoy.

Persona Club

Persona Club

“Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald

It defines an individual. It is that combination of behavior, emotion, motivation and thought patterns. The persona club has been framed for the students with the objective of making them a reflection of good personality. So, if you are interested in making a mark with your personality, the Persona club is just for you. We help you develop the inner beauty and nurture your personality.

Drama Club

Drama Club

“We must all do theatre - to find out who we are, and to discover who we could become.”

A very apt and beautiful quote. And, if you can relate with it our Drama club will suffice your thirst for acting, directing and editing. It's a single podium were all the stage lovers get together to create magic. You have immense opportunities to explore with your passion. Live your dream of acting and turn your passion into a driving force.

Dance Club

Dance Club

“Dancing is like dreaming, with your feet”- Anonymous

A very apt and beautiful quote. And, if you can relate with it our Drama club will suffice your thirst for acting, directing and editing. It's a single podium were all the stage lovers get together to create magic. You have immense opportunities to explore with your passion. Live your dream of acting and turn your passion into a driving force.

Sport Club

Sport Club

“I may win and I may lose, but I will never be defeated.”- Emmitt Smith

Sports are exactly about this single yet comprehensive sentence. Thus, our sports club offers an extensive array of sports and fitness option for you, our students. With them you will always find energizing ways to stay focused. With our sports club you will always progress towards your goal. The sports club prepares the students to never give up and work diligently.

Ethical Hackers Clubs

Ethical Hackers Clubs

“Hackers are actually good, pleasant and extremely intelligent people who could keep computer criminals on the run.”- Ankit Fadia

This is very much what a white hat hacker does. And, if you are interested in pursuing the same, our Ethical Hackers club is just for the purpose. The club has been made to bring the students and members together who aspire to learn hacking or are experts in this field. For those of you, who want to avail information about Hacking, welcome aboard!

Photography Club

Photography Club

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”- Dorothea Lange

If the above quote fantasizes you, our Photography club is the heaven you have always been looking for. This art is basically the love with the life. With it you catch memories which are passing and which are true. Undoubtedly, it is the treasure trove of memories. With the club we bring the members interested in photography and the students together. We make sure that the members enjoy a plethora of activities designed around brushing their skills.

Fitness Club

Fitness Club

“Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life”- Anonymous

You must have heard many such quotes about fitness. But, if you intend to live it, our Fitness club is just the right choice. The club pushes its members towards a fit and healthy body. The members motivate and inspire each other in the club. There are also activities held which involve sharing experiences, knowledge about various diets and new fitness regimes.

Renewable Energy Club

Renewable Energy Club

“The nation that leads to non-renewable energy will be the nation that leads the world.”- Anonymous

This is exactly what our Renewable Energy club aims to work upon. The club has been continuously undertaking activities in and around the campus to renew the energy through various resources. The members pursue activities around the same theme. They also motivate each other in order to participate in the project. The club undertakes at least one project in a month in the umbrella of its activities.

Entrepreneurship Club

Entrepreneurship Club

“The hardest part about being an entrepreneur is that you will fail ten times before you succeed.”- Anonymous

The club has been fabricated with the objective of bringing together the likeminded students, who dream to become an entrepreneur. The club provides the students with knowledge, skills and most pertinent of all motivation to turn their dream into reality. The longest journey starts with a single step, and we make sure that you have taken the first step well. We prepare the students to start from a scratch and pursue excellence.

Study Club

Study Club

“You become what you study.”- Robert T. Kiyosaki

We have designed the study club to ensure that you avail knowledge, imbibe it and ingest it well. The study club brings together the students of all the years together. It focuses on getting educational support from each other. It at the same time allows the members to communicate, learn and re-learn from each other. The result is better and comprehensive learning for personal and career success.

Noble Club

Noble Club

Almost every field has the Noble prize winners. The Noble club brings together the members from various fields and interests under one roof. The members are allowed to put forward their points. They discuss and pursue a project related to the research on a particular field. With the club it becomes more seamless for the members to know their interest area and work upon it. The club is open for all, irrespective of students, faculty, and alumni.

Creative Writers Club

Creative Writers Club

“If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.”- Peter Handke

You may be a creative writer, a poet or a story writer; the above words are equally applicable to you. It is for this rationale that the Creative Writers Club has been formed. With it, we bring all the writers under one single platform. The members are able to recite and discuss their creative thoughts. It undoubtedly aids them to motivate and support each other. If words are your best friend, explore your creative side with the club.

Robotics Club

Robotics Club

“At bottom robotics is about us. It is the discipline of emulating our lives, of wondering how we work.”- Rod Grupen

If the term robotics allures you, if you are intrigued about the Artificial intelligence, the Robotics Club is just for you. The club involves members who are interested to avail knowledge about robotics, the technology that deals with the designs, the construction, the operation and the application of robotic science. The club activities include the discussion on the basics, sharing of ideas, working on projects and facts which are associated with research. And, definitely there is plentiful motivation and support for students to speak and represent their knowledge about the concerned scientists.

Book Circle

Book Circle

“A book is a dream, that you hold in your hands.”- Neil Gaiman

With the Book Circle we offer that same dream to be held in your hand. You may like the novels, the fictions, the fairytale stories or the encyclopedias; we have one for each member. With the book circle we bring together all the book lovers and storytelling lovers under the same umbrella. The members have the chance to discuss various books and the rationale for liking a particular author or a book series. That unique portable magic to explore is what we give to this club.

Holistic Development

Holistic Development

“You will find your body development approaching the ideal, accompanied by the renewed mental vigor and spiritual enhancement”- Joseph H Pilates

This is exactly the need of the present, a holistic development. Our holistic development club brings the members together, ensuring complete development. The objective of the club is to aid the members in dealing with a competitive and multitasking life. In the same regards the club motivates and supports the members to develop themselves, by themselves and for themselves. Activities are so organized to aid the members for spiritual, mental and physical development.

Coffee Club

Coffee Club

“Everything gets better with coffee.”- Anonymous

Think about a similar background. Well, you can alter the term coffee with any other beverage as well as at our Coffee club. It involves board games gathering, sports fans live viewings, poetry recitals, and writer meets ups, word games. It also inculcates complimentary beverages and snacks as part of some sessions. If you can enjoy it all with some company, the club is just for you. And as the saying goes the club makes the coffee strong and the tensions short.

Language Club

Language Club

“A language which we do not know is a fortress sealed.”- Marcel Proust

Indeed, this is the reason for the fabrication of our Language club. Thus, it inculcates the members from various communities and cultures. This club definitely aids in better communication for the members. Living in a country like India, with 150 spoken languages this club never ceases to be an asset. The best aspect is one learned it will be a blessing of a lifetime. It is just the apt amalgamation of knowledge, learning, and entertainment.

Idea Club

Idea Club

“Everything begins with an idea.”- Earl Nightingale

The idea club brings members from different fields, work areas and curriculum together. It enables them to discuss their ideas and thoughts with one another. The Idea club suffices the need for true innovation, human interactions, conflicts, arguments, and debates. It is that platform to the members which is equal, whether students, faculty or a working engineer. This is a step towards betterment.

Rotaract Club For All Colleges

Rotaract Club For All Colleges

The Rotary club is a part of each and every educational institute, under the RGI club. It is a worldwide organization encompassing more than 1.2 million business, professional and community leaders. They provide with humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards, aid goodwill and peace in the world. The most pertinent object of the Rotary club is serving the community in the workplace and throughout the world. Hence, when you are a member of the Rotary club service towards the mankind and humanity is pursued.

Student Discipline Committee

Student Discipline Committee

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.”- Jim Rohn

Thus, our Student Discipline Committee ensures to take care of all the members of the clubs. It makes sure to maintain proper discipline in and around the college. They keep a check on the dress codes of the students. They also make certain that the resources of the colleges and its properties are being utilized decently and as and when essential. The committee instructs the student and makes them maintain decorum.

Planning And Development Club

Planning And Development Club

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”- Alan Lakein

Every bit true when we have a plethora of committees and clubs in the college. In order to make sure that each and every club works well, we have the Planning and Development Club. It has at least one member from every club as its representative. It maintains an activity calendar of the events for the entire year. It keeps a check on the upcoming events and ensures that the events do not clash with one another. Planning is impeccable with this club.